Easy Dahi Vada Recipe: Quick and Delicious Snack of 2023

 In this article, we bring you a delightful recipe for Dahi Vada, a popular Indian snack that is loved by people of all ages. Dahi Vada, also known as Dahi Bhalla, is a dish made with lentil fritters soaked in spiced yoghurt and garnished with various toppings. This savoury and tangy snack is not only delicious but also provides a refreshing contrast of flavours. Whether you are a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, this easy Dahi Vada recipe will surely impress your taste buds and leave you craving for more.

Dahi Vada Recipe

The Origins of Dahi Vada

Dahi Vada has its roots in the Indian subcontinent and is believed to have originated in the northern regions of India. It has been a part of Indian culinary traditions for centuries and is often prepared during festive occasions and celebrations. The dish has also gained popularity across the globe due to its unique blend of flavours and textures.

Ingredients for Dahi Vada

To prepare this delectable snack, you will need the following ingredients:

- 1 cup urad dal (split black lentils)

- 1 cup moong dal (split yellow lentils)

- a 1-inch piece of ginger, grated

- 2 green chillies, finely chopped

- A pinch of asafoetida (hing)

- 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

- Salt to taste

- Oil for deep frying

- 2 cups thick yoghurt (curd)

- 1 cup tamarind chutney

- 1 tablespoon chaat masala

- Fresh coriander leaves, chopped, for garnishing

Step-by-Step Recipe Of Dahi Vada Bhalla

Follow these simple steps to prepare the perfect Dahi Vada:

1. Soak the urad dal and moong dal in separate bowls of water for about 4-5 hours. 

2. Drain the water and grind the dals separately to form a smooth paste. 

3. Combine the ground dals in a mixing bowl and add grated ginger, chopped green chillies, asafoetida, cumin seeds, and salt. Mix well to form a thick batter.\

4. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. Take small portions of the batter and gently drop them into the hot oil. Fry until they turn golden brown and crispy.

5. Remove the fried vadas from the oil and place them on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

6. Take a large bowl filled with water and soak the fried vadas in it for about 20-30 minutes. This will make them soft and spongy.

7. In the meantime, whisk the yoghurt until smooth and creamy. Add salt and chaat masala to the yoghurt and mix well.

8. Squeeze out the excess water from the soaked vadas and gently place them in the yoghurt mixture. Allow the vadas to soak in the yoghurt for a few minutes.

9. Transfer the Dahi Vadas to a serving dish and drizzle tamarind chutney over them.

10. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and sprinkle some more chaat masala on top for added flavour.

Dahi vada Dahi Bhalla

Serving Suggestions

Dahi Vadas are best enjoyed chilled, making them an ideal snack for hot summer days. They can be served as an appetizer or as a part of the main course. Here are a few serving suggestions to enhance your Dahi Vada experience:

  •  Serve Dahi Vadas with a generous topping of tamarind chutney, mint chutney, and chopped onions.

  •  Sprinkle some roasted cumin powder and red chilli powder over the vadas for an extra kick of spiciness.

  •  For a healthier twist, you can garnish the Dahi Vadas with pomegranate seeds, grated carrots, and chopped cucumber. This adds a fresh and crunchy element to the dish.

  •  If you prefer a creamier texture, you can drizzle some whipped cream or hang curd over the vadas.

  •  Pair Dahi Vadas with some hot and tangy masala chai for a perfect combination of flavours.

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Health Benefits of Dahi Vada

While Dahi Vada is undoubtedly a delicious snack, it also offers some health benefits due to its nutritious ingredients. Let's take a look at a few benefits:

1. Good Source of Proteins: Lentils, the main ingredient in Dahi Vada, are packed with proteins. They provide the body with essential amino acids required for the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues.

2. High in Fiber: Lentils are rich in dietary fibre, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes a healthy digestive system.

3. Probiotic-rich Yogurt: The yoghurt used in Dahi Vada is a probiotic powerhouse, providing beneficial bacteria that improve gut health and boost the immune system.

4. Nutrient-rich: Dahi Vada is a good source of various vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, which are essential for overall well-being.

Tips for the Perfect Dahi Vada

To ensure that your Dahi Vadas turn out perfect every time, here are some useful tips:

1. Soaking and Grinding: Soak the lentils for the recommended time to achieve the right texture. Grind the lentils to a smooth paste to ensure soft and fluffy vadas.

2. Oil Temperature: Maintain the right temperature of the oil while frying the vadas. If the oil is too hot, the vadas may turn brown quickly on the outside but remain uncooked on the inside. If the oil is not hot enough, the vadas may absorb excess oils, resulting in a greasy texture.

3. Soaking Time: Soak the fried vadas in water for the appropriate amount of time to achieve the desired softness. Be careful not to soak them for too long, as they may become mushy.

4. Yogurt Consistency: Whisk the yoghurt until smooth and creamy, ensuring there are no lumps. Adjust the consistency of the yoghurt by adding a little water if needed.

5. Toppings and Garnishes: Experiment with various toppings and garnishes to add different flavours and textures to your Dahi Vadas. Get creative and customize the dish according to your preferences.


1. What kind of lentils are used for Dahi Vada (Dahi Bhalla)?

   Urad dal (black gram lentils) is typically used for making Dahi Vada.

2. How do you fry Bhalla?

   To fry Bhalla, you need to soak the lentil balls in water for a while, then deep fry them in hot oil until they turn golden brown and crispy.

3. Is Dahi Vada good for weight loss?

   Dahi Vada is not considered a weight-loss food as it is typically deep-fried and topped with yoghurt and chutneys, which can be high in calories. However, consuming it in moderation as part of a balanced diet may not necessarily hinder weight loss goals.

4. What happens when you eat lentils and yoghurt together?

   When you eat lentils and yoghurt together, you get a combination of protein and probiotics. This can aid in digestion, promote a healthy gut, and provide a balanced mix of nutrients.

5. What is Dahi Bhalla called in English?

   Dahi Bhalla is commonly known as "Dahi Vada" in English.

6. Why is Dahi Vada considered healthy?

   Dahi Vada is considered healthy because it is a good source of protein from lentils and contains probiotics from yoghurt. Additionally, it provides essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre.

7. Is Dahi Vada harmful to health?

   Dahi Vada is generally not harmful to health when consumed in moderation. However, excessive consumption of deep-fried foods may contribute to health issues like weight gain or high cholesterol levels.

8. Does Dahi Vada cause acidity?

   Dahi Vada may cause acidity in some individuals, particularly if they have a sensitivity to spicy or acidic foods. However, it varies from person to person, and not everyone will experience acidity after consuming Dahi Vada.

9. Can you eat yoghurt in the morning?

   Yes, you can eat yoghurt in the morning. Yoghurt is a nutritious food that can be included in breakfast or consumed at any time of the day.

10. How many calories are there in 2 Dahi Vadas?

    The number of calories in 2 Dahi Vadas can vary depending on the size and ingredients used. On average, 2 Dahi Vadas may contain approximately 200-300 calories.

11. What can you eat if you can't have yoghurt?

    If you can't have yoghurt, there are several alternatives you can consider, such as dairy-free yoghurt made from plant-based sources like soy, almond, or coconut. You can also try consuming other probiotic-rich foods like kefir, sauerkraut, or kimchi to obtain similar benefits.


Dahi Vada is a versatile and delicious snack that combines the richness of lentils with the tanginess of yoghurt and the sweetness of chutneys. Its popularity is a testament to its incredible taste and texture. By following our easy Dahi Vada recipe and incorporating the tips mentioned, you can create a delightful dish that will leave your family and friends wanting more.

Whether you're hosting a party, craving a flavorful snack, or simply looking to indulge in a traditional Indian delicacy, Dahi Vada is the perfect choice. So go ahead, gather your ingredients, and embark on a culinary journey that promises to tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy the heavenly combination of crispy vadas soaked in creamy yoghurt, and let the burst of flavours transport you to the streets of India.